Iranian Cultural Foundation-Houston
کانون فرهنگی ایرانیان هیوستون

Pendar Book Club

Host: Pendar Book Club 
The book that we will be discussing, is Kim Edward’s “The Secrets of Fire King”. We will meet at the club house/computer lounge of 36Sixty Richmond.

Birthday Pot Luck party:

Our dearest Pendar is becoming 4 year old (time flies). The PBC Birthday Party will be held at the same location on February 7th.
Please RSVP with the number of guests in your company and your choice of pot luck item you wish to share.

NOTE: We need volunteers for food, salad, deserts, drinks, utensils and plates.

The book club session will start at 5:00 pm sharp. Please plan to be there by 4:45 because one of us has to stay at the door and let you in.

Pendar Book Club is a non-political, non-religious bilingual book club, based in Houston TX. The membership is free. The sessions are held, tentatively, on first Sunday of every month. At the end of each session, members vote for the next book. The first session of the club was conducted on Janury 29th, 2006  



Venue: Thirty Six 60 Richmond

Address: 3660 Richmond
Houston, TX 77046